Friday 12 August 2011

Acne Solution- OXY Products

Suffering from a pimple and acne on your face and you can't wait for it to be gone within the next 2 days?

Don't fret! Your rescue is here! Here I am introducing to you my favourite product that I always use to heal the pimples that appears on my face occasionally!

I got the above image from

OXY Products! Basically I have tried all three of them and I can tell you for sure, I LOVE IT! As you can see from the picture, the difference between OXY 5 and OXY 10 is the strength!

OXY 5 contains 5% of Benzoyl Peroxide while OXY 10 and OXY Cover contains 10% of Benzoyl Peroxide. That results in the difference in the strength of it!

OXY products are effective in healing the pimples because they contain Benzoyl Peroxide[BP]. BP is effective in the reducing of inflammation and the production of excess oil. The best part of it is it helps to unclog the pores too! I am sure everyone knows that acne is a result of clogged pores thus by using BP it will reduce the chance of it occuring! The reason as to why BP is able to treat pimples is because it works like an oxidizing agent on the bacteria that result in the acne!

OXY 5 is meant to treat mild pimples while OXY 10 is meant to treat stubborn pimples depending on your case. OXY Cover is something that I love too! It covers the pimples as it heals it! Meaning, it works something  like a concealer, concealing the unwanted pimple and redness while healing it at the same time! How great can that be right? Remember those times where you had this mega huge and red pimple that you want to cover it up real badly but couldn't? Well, OXY cover may be your choice!

All in all, after all these years of using their products I can tell you for sure that I really Love their products! They are effective in healing the pimples but personally, for me if I apply it on my bare skin (the skin which have no pimple) I will suffer from eczema the next day! I will be touching on the ways to treat eczema skin in the next post! This is why I will only apply the OXY cream on my pimple directly and not spread it around on my face (When I do that, I will not suffer from eczema the next day)! Well, this may be just me so you just got to try it out and experience the wonders of it! It is really effective in healing the pimples! Lastly, all the best in your skin! CHEERS!

♥ The Beauty Area

Acne Solution- Tomato Mask!

Aren’t you sick of the disappointment that you get from buying products after products that always fails to deliver what they promise? Yes, that includes expensive products too.  Not only will the disappointment you get make you more despair of your current situation, it is also a waste of time and money.
I suffered from acne when I was younger too, they started appearing when I was 12 years old and they stayed with me till I was 17 years old. There were times when my skin was cleared up and times when the acne came back. I tried many different kind of medication during the 5 years. When I was on medication, my skin condition improved a lot, it became less oily and is no longer pimple-prone although one or two pimples may still pop up at occasionally but that is fine. However, when I stopped taking my medication, the pimples will start to form again so you can say that it was a on and off thing in that 5 years.
One day, my mother heard that tomatoes are effective in the treating of acne skin and she decided to let me have a go at it.  She bought tomatoes from the supermarket, washes them, puree the tomato in the blender and applied it on my face. (Detailed instructions will be provided below) After doing it every day continuously, in about two week’s time, my skin became fairer, scars started to fade a little and the acne condition was in much better control. (At that point of time my medication ended because I finished the cycle of the medication.) 
Out of curiosity, I decided to find out what is it about TOMATOES that is able to fade scars, make the skin fairer and treat pimples.
Tomatoes are able to fade scars because they are rich in Vitamin A and antioxidant which will help to boost the healing of the acne condition and the reducing/fading of acne scars.  In fact, one of the medications that I was on that worked the best on me was Retinol, a type of Vitamin A. 
Other than being rich in Vitamin A, tomatoes are rich in Vitamin C too! It is also the reason why I realized that my skin became fairer after consistent usage of the tomato masks. Besides that, it also helps to improve skin complexion!
Tomatoes are also rich in vitamin E, iron and potassium which are essential in the nourishing of the skin! After knowing the benefits of tomatoes, don’t you want to know how should it be prepared to be use as a mask?  There are two ways in making tomato masks but I prefer the second way.
First Way
1)      Wash a tomato and dry it with a paper towel.
2)      Cut the tomatoes into slices
3)      Remove the core
4)      Rub the flesh all over your face
5)      After rubbing, leave it on the face for 20-30 minutes.
6)      Rinse off with warm water followed by cold water
7)       TA-DAH! Beautiful skin!
Second Way
1)      Wash a tomato and dry it with a paper towel
2)      Chop them into pieces
3)      Pour them into a blender and puree the tomato in it.  
4)      Apply the puree onto the face and leave it on for 20 – 30 minutes.
5)      Keep the remaining puree in the refrigerator
6)      Rinse off with warm water followed by cold water
7)       TA-DAH! Beautiful skin!
If you do not have a blender in Step 3, you can put the whole tomato inside a clean and dry plastic bag and squash it into a puree state and follow the remaining steps.

♥ The Beauty Area